Friday, February 25, 2011

Learning Real Quick

I guess she's heard the phrase enough, so Katie started saying, "Go to potty real quick." Then she goes to find the step stool and pulls down her pants to sit on it for awhile. There is still a diaper and usually a onsie present, but hey - it's a little step forward.

Love this! Here she is waddling off to the "potty."

I figured it might be time to bring in the real thing, so I got our little potty out. She's loving it!
I never considered potty-training before 2, but maybe I should capitalize on her interest at the moment. What do you think?
Oh, and forgive the camera phone pictures. I hate camera phone pictures, but it is convenient.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Finally, I have Proof

A doctor's kids have broken arms, dentists' kids have cavities, and a photographer has no pictures of themselves! True, right? I tried to correct the situtation by finally finding a photographer to take our family pictures last fall. That's right - in September. And I just got these last week. Alas, I couldn't really recommend her, but I'm thrilled to finally have pictures of my family with me in them. Proof that I'm here too! Proof that I hold and love my kids (and my husband) too!

I was lucky that she gave me all the originals so I could do the editing myself. Here is my absolute favorite.

Still need to do some correcting on this one. But, hey - it's a happy family picture with everyone smiling!

So, yes, I totally understand what you go through to come get your family pictures taken. I know how thrilled your husband is to be here instead of - well anything else he could think of. But, I hope you find it all worth it to get some fabulous and memorable pictures of your family together. Proof that this moment existed - with you in it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

We're so blessed to have great friends and family! We love you and hope you enjoy this Happy Valentine's Day!

We skipped the store-bought characters-we-don't-care-about Valentines for these. Fun, huh?

I made this for Gavin . The light bulb bit was a little trickier than I thought it would be, but once you get past the fear of shattered glass - it's no biggie!

I sure love my Valentine. He's already spoiled all the girls in the house today. What a sweetie.