Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The virgin Virgin Reunion

I guess it's a sign that my family is growing up! Most of my siblings are married and we're spread out in 3 states and 2 countries, so we don't get to see each other that often. This summer was our first Virgin Family Reunion. My sister-in-law hooked us up with this sweet Ranch house in Star Valley, WY.

Eleanor's writing the Bunk House rules: no snoring, keeping people awake, etc.

It was great to see Jessica, Blake and little Charlotte from Australia. They win the prize for the most miles traveled to get there.

Having 4 babies under 1 didn't slow us down much at all! These are mad skills for a new dad, David!

We did a lot of rock-skipping in the creek and here's Matt harvesting the power of the sun!

We went on a lovely hike up to Intermittent Springs, yes with me in my boot!

Katie suckered Grandma into carrying her for awhile. I don't think Grandma minded too much.

Eleanor enjoying the natural air-conditioning from this huge snow pile - in August!
It was great to have a whole week together. Plenty of time for kite-flying, games, lounging on the porch, going swimming, playing ping pong, golfing, and having your cool aunt braid your hair!

Jessica started us on this game where you try to find safety pins in a bucket of rice with your eyes closed. Amazingly hard!

I think my favorite event of the week was the family talent show. I knew we were a creative bunch - but even the little ones brought their summersaults, clapping, and toe-eating skills to show! Add that to some juggling, 100 push-ups in a minute, splits, singing, handsprings, poetry readings and it was a pretty entertaining night!

Megan was prepared to teach us all how to tie-dye. This was actually my first time, and it was really fun!

We had a great time in a lovely spot. The weather was perfect at a steady 76 all week! I sure missed that when we came home to the 90s for another month.

Seems like those years between hanging out with all my brothers and sisters as teenagers, when we really enjoyed each other, and moving on to our own families have gone so quickly. I'm glad we took the time to get together this year. Looking at these pictures makes me miss you all!