Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thanks for the Memories

When we found out the Allreds would be moving, we knew we must find a way to show them how much they mean to us and so many people here. We put together a scrapbook with pictures and messages from a few friends, so they can take us with them. We also got to have a swingin' sendoff party at the park last weekend. I can't really put a value on our priceless friendship with the Allreds. Here is wishing for the road to be short between us and gas to be cheap!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Greatest Neighbors

We are so lucky to have fantastic neighbors on our cul-de-sac. Today, our neighbor brought his bucket truck home from work. It goes up about 65 feet or so, not to mention around and around. He was giving rides to the neighbor kids for fun. Eleanor surprised me by begging to go up. I surprised myself by letting her. :) She loved it. Our amazing neighbor also brought a real stop light and hung it from the bucket, so the kids could play "Red light, Green light" with a real light! Now that's overachieving.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Here Comes the Bridals

We've just returned from my brother's wedding this weekend, so I can finally post the Bridal pictures I got to take last month. Megan will be a great addition to the family. I'm so happy she and David are well on their way to living happily ever after. Enjoy! Some wedding shots I took will be coming soon.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Like, one of the Coolest Families Ever!

I just had to share a tiny sample of the fun pictures I got to take of the Burnhams this week. Don't Mom and Dad look cool here!?

I'm going to have lots of fun working with these pictures. It's now the middle of family picture season; I've got 14 more scheduled before the end of the year! Don't ask me how that works with my 2 a month rule... It should be a wild ride!

Friday, June 6, 2008


It really feels like playtime to get to take pictures of cute kiddos. Especially when we get some one-on-one time. Doesn't Owen look like a Pottery Barn ad? He is adorable.

When he heard the shutter, you could see those wheels turning trying to figure out how the camera works! So bright.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

She Meant Well

Yesterday I was making dinner when Eleanor came into the kitchen and asked if I needed help with anything! (hang on, this will be a balanced account - not shameless boasting) In the spirit of positive reinforcement we were complimenting the very fine lettuce she washed for our dinner. I told Dad she even volunteered to help. To which she replied, "Guess what told me to do that?" I said I didn't know and then she very enthusiastically showed me the finger. Yes, that finger. It did happen to have a CTR ring on it, so I know her motives were pure. I was just trying so hard not to crack up - or choke on my dinner that I had to hide my face while Gavin covered for me.

Since most of the time she seems like 5 going on 25, I really enjoy these innocent moments. The other day she told us that you get milk from a cow's gutters. :)