Wednesday, September 17, 2008

An Unexpected Trip

With our unexpected trip to Utah this weekend for my Grandmother's funeral, we have been in Utah in May, June, July, and now September! Yikes. It is great to be together with our family that often, but wow. Hopefully I'll forget how much I dislike that drive before Christmas time. This lovely through-the-windshield picture is just to prove that it was indeed perfectly clear and not the least bit windy driving through Laramie yesterday! I'm sure those days are very few and far between.
Now that we're getting so used to I-80 driving, I finally had Gavin stop at this spot I always long to take a picture of when we pass by. It's somewhere between Rawlins and Laramie - Gavin marked the GPS coordinates for me in case you'd like them. :)

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I know that spot! We affectionately call it "The only place where trees grow in Wyoming."

I grew up in Denver but with all the extended family in Utah... I too am well familiar with how fun it is to drive I-80 all the time. ;)