We had a great Thanksgiving week. We were grateful to have some family come to stay for the weekend. Ryan and Sara and little Isaac made it out from Iowa. While they were here we had some fierce duels on the Wii (Ryan now has the bowling record - but not for long!). Little Isaac is the sweetest kiddo - never grouchy at all. This is his signature sleepy pose - thumb in the mouth and hand on the ear. We went to Hammonds Candies over the weekend for their factory tour. Always a fun place to go. Here is the candy maker pulling candy canes by hand. This time we indulged and bought a couple of their fabulous candy canes. Apple pie flavor is awesome, and everyone should try a chocolate-filled candy cane at least once!
The other day Eleanor was going upstairs and went running around the corner with her arms out like an airplane. Such a cute moment that made me stop and think... When was the last time you...
"flew" around a corner
considered a leaf or shiny rock to be a treasure
pushed a button just to see what would happen
sang at the top of your lungs
climbed into the middle of a rack of clothes to hide
measured yourself to see how tall you are
took a nap
asked how something works (not just to please your husband)
prayed to find something you lost
Just a few thoughts that made me realize what a precious gift and time childhood is. I'm so grateful for the things kids remind me to take time to do. Maybe you should look for a shiny rock yourself this week. :)
Happy Birthday (tomorrow) little one. We sure miss you. If you'd like to help us celebrate our special angel go to http://www.babysolomon.blogspot.com/
It's always incredible to me to see myself coming out in my daughter's words, actions, etc. Sometimes hilarious, sometimes very revealing. Anyway, this time it's just plain funny. I got a new set of bedding recently, complete with all those cute pillows whose purpose baffles my husband. Well, since I've been making my bed so elaborately, I've noticed a difference in Eleanor. Here is how she made her bed today...
Isn't this girl adorable! She got her hair cut yesterday and came home from preschool looking so cute I had to take a few pictures. Love those dimples! I still have no idea where that gorgeous blonde hair comes from.
Beware... non-flattering pictures ahead! We had a fun FHE activity/treat last night playing "Fluffy Bunny." Gavin has some skills in that area. Word to the wise... if you try this at home - don't laugh!
I know it looks like some kind of pain and torture, but I promise he was enjoying himself.
*No fluffy bunnies were harmed in the process of this activity.