Tuesday, June 3, 2008

She Meant Well

Yesterday I was making dinner when Eleanor came into the kitchen and asked if I needed help with anything! (hang on, this will be a balanced account - not shameless boasting) In the spirit of positive reinforcement we were complimenting the very fine lettuce she washed for our dinner. I told Dad she even volunteered to help. To which she replied, "Guess what told me to do that?" I said I didn't know and then she very enthusiastically showed me the finger. Yes, that finger. It did happen to have a CTR ring on it, so I know her motives were pure. I was just trying so hard not to crack up - or choke on my dinner that I had to hide my face while Gavin covered for me.

Since most of the time she seems like 5 going on 25, I really enjoy these innocent moments. The other day she told us that you get milk from a cow's gutters. :)


Mom said...

How funny!! I'll bet it was hard not to crack up! What a sweet girl to want to Choose the Right, like her ring reminded her!

Ashley said...

HAHA- that is hilarous! Too sweet. Thanks for the laugh! :)

Lynn said...

Sounds like it is time to get her a "slightly smaller CTR ring that fits better on the next finger.

I remember learning some of the "ways of the street" at home!! Nowhere better place to do it!!

Love the "cow gutters" remark.

Papa Payne

Nate and Hilary said...

She's such a good girl. As I watch my two year old figuring the world out I'm always shocked at what she's picked up. The hard part is to remember to write down all the funny little things that happen, so good job.

Marie said...

what a cute story! this is one reason why i like blogging to write these stories down. otherwise i know i would forget all the funny things my kids do and say because i am not a journal writer!

mcojaadams said...

I love that innocence so pure and lovely... Definitely a momemt to capture in a journal or somewhere to share with her later in life!