Saturday, August 9, 2008

Declaring War

We really like the way our house is situated (except for the North-facing driveway in Colorado) with a trail and cornfield right behind us. There are some downsides though, the biggest being mice! Today, we declared war on the mice that have been sneaking into the basement. Unfortunately, this means taking every can of food off the shelves to clean everything up. We found their favorite thing to eat was a whole bag of butterscotch chips! Can't say I blame them, but yuck!


Unknown said...

I hear you! We had to put everything that wasn't in a can in Rubbermaid totes! When we first moved in, they ate through all of our noodles! They are super gross! Good luck!

alison said...

jeff found one in his office before we left on vacation--he trapped it in his cabinet--and hasn't checked since. yuck.

Teresa said...

Our cat is a great mouser! Maybe he should come visit your backyard one day.

Erica said...

I hear the Adamson's have a cat they want to find a new home- yours by chance? :-)