Thursday, May 7, 2009

Meet the Cousins

We were so lucky to have Grandma Payne, all the Payne aunts and most of the cousins come out last week to meet Katherine. We missed Natalee and Carson, but all the little ones had a great time together.

Maddie's kissy face is so adorable!

It was fun to see Addie and Maddie, born six weeks apart now as one year olds.

Isaac and Eleanor ran around together and she enjoyed reading him stories.

It was a great couple of days together. We went shopping, out to our favorite Chinese haunt, swimming with the kids, out to breakfast to celebrate Eleanor's birthday, checked out the furniture store with Grandma, and lots of fun times just watching the kids play. Thanks for the visit and for helping me realize I can do this out-and-about thing with a baby!


sarita said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! We had a great time and you guys are always such great hosts.

I love all of the pictures (of course I'm a little partial to the kissy-face)!

Karl said...

Your baby is so sweet. I can't wait to snuggle her sometime. I'm glad to hear she's sleeping for you and that you're feeling better (won't that be nice). --Jen