We got a new (well, new to us) bedroom set from Gavin's parents as a result of their downsizing/modernizing. We love it - thank you so much! Anyway, as I was taking out our old nightstands and moving their contents into the new ones I realized you could learn a lot about a person from their top drawer.
Kind of like that hillarious book,
Milk, Eggs, Vodka you get a snippet of information to create the story of your life. I really enjoyed Gavin's top drawer. Here is some of it's contents: Irish whistle (great for bedtime songs before kids), Strength of Youth pamphlet, sugar-free candy, a piece of the Hubble Space Telescope - yes, really, a pocket-sized laser light show, some pound coins and more of his "emergency fund" monies that will now be moved to an undisclosed location. :) Isn't he fun? So well rounded.
Mine is boring. A flashlight - always practical. A pregnancy calendar - come on girls, you all have that wheel, right? Tums - see last item. Note pad and pen, Nerds, back scratcher, and some Valentines Day coupons I meant to give Gavin last year...
So, what's in your top drawer? and what does it really say about you?