Thursday, June 18, 2009

Top Drawer

We got a new (well, new to us) bedroom set from Gavin's parents as a result of their downsizing/modernizing. We love it - thank you so much! Anyway, as I was taking out our old nightstands and moving their contents into the new ones I realized you could learn a lot about a person from their top drawer.

Kind of like that hillarious book, Milk, Eggs, Vodka you get a snippet of information to create the story of your life. I really enjoyed Gavin's top drawer. Here is some of it's contents: Irish whistle (great for bedtime songs before kids), Strength of Youth pamphlet, sugar-free candy, a piece of the Hubble Space Telescope - yes, really, a pocket-sized laser light show, some pound coins and more of his "emergency fund" monies that will now be moved to an undisclosed location. :) Isn't he fun? So well rounded.

Mine is boring. A flashlight - always practical. A pregnancy calendar - come on girls, you all have that wheel, right? Tums - see last item. Note pad and pen, Nerds, back scratcher, and some Valentines Day coupons I meant to give Gavin last year...

So, what's in your top drawer? and what does it really say about you?


Mom said...

How interesting!! Mine is full of pictures of the people I love, my husband and children.... And I mean FULL!! Up to the top of the drawer! Maybe I could wallpaper my room with them....

Unknown said...

If mine says anything about me, it is that I am boring! I have chapstick, paper and pen, hair ties, the remote, and some scrapbooking magazines. Wish I had candy like you guys did, but then it would only be an empty box. :)

Ashley said...

How fun! I want to go check mine right now! :)