Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Whirlwind Wedding Weekend

We just got back from my sister's wedding in Salt Lake last weekend. It was one of those quick vacations that leave you feeling exhausted, but we were glad to be able to be there. My brother and I served as the photographers for the occasion, so there will be more pictures to come. Here are just a couple of my favorites:

Here are Jessica and Blake, who are now enjoying life in sunny Australia. And I love this one of my parents right after the wedding. So happy!
Funny story - We also got in on Gavin's cousins' mission farewell while we were in Utah. I had gone out to the Mother's Lounge to feed Katherine during the meeting when I hear them announce that the next thing on the program will be a special musical number by David Archuletta! What?! He starts singing the Spirit of God and I decided Katherine wasn't that hungry after all. We ran back into the gym to hear his number. It was amazing! As Randy would say, "He can really sing!" So glad I got to see that. Don't worry, I did go back to feeding Katie after that - just in time to see the tweenage girls chasing him out of the building squealing.


Marie said...

WOW! That's something to remember for sure! How many people can say they've heard David Archuletta sing in church?!?!? Glad to hear you had a good weekend.

Unknown said...

I am super jealous that you got to hear David sing! He is one of my favorites! How neat! Also, I love the picture of your parents. They do look so happy!

Kristin said...

I like that picture of your parents - your dad looks like it was him that just got married. Cute!

Corinne said...

What a cute sister you have. And definitely a cute picture of your parents. How fun. We miss you guys.

Corinne said...

What a cute sister you have. And definitely a cute picture of your parents. How fun. We miss you guys.