Friday, August 21, 2009

A Narrow Fellow

I went out to pick some food from the garden for dinner last night and look who I found! I completely forgot to pull the onion I was planning on. Couldn't say a word about it until Gavin got home because if Eleanor found out she'd never harvest anything for me again! Who am I kidding, I might not be digging around the garden again either. :)

I know I can't exactly sterilize the outdoors, but this guy was in my nice raised garden beds - 2 feet up! Gavin says he probably climbed up the rocks, but I prefer the theory that a passing hawk dropped him in there, which of course is so highly unlikely that it will never happen again! Right?!


Jolayne said...

Oh so sorry. I don't even like to look at the picture!

Jen said...

Just like the scorpion that was only by my front door in AZ because he was "delivered to our driveway" on the pallets of grass for the backyard -- since there was no more grass coming, I just knew I'd never have to see another scorpion! :o) Whatever it takes to survive, honey!

Jill said...

I like snakes! I know call me crazy;) You can call me if you get another one, I'll be happy to remove it for you.