Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lazy Summer Day

We're trying to fit in a few fun days before school starts next week and for the first time Eleanor will be gone all day long! Sniff, sniff... we'll be ok.
With the baby and the hot weather, we came up with a low-key relaxing fun day. First, we went to the Longmont Museum. We've lived here how long and never been before - and it's free!

Eleanor got to lay out the plans for her own city. Our house was usually close to the amusement park and swimming pool.

After the museum we picked up some lunch and headed to the Willow Farm Park. It's got a fun stream and shade! We made our own paper boats to float in the stream. Eleanor doesn't want me to mention the boys that took a shine to her. It was very entertaining to watch them show off. They pulled out all the stops ... wheelies, bike tricks, handstands, fake light-saber battles, you name it! I'm sure there will be many more years of this!

Katie did pretty well with our plans for the day. She had fun kicking around the blanket at the park. You all know the look of a self portrait, doesn't it look like she's holding out the camera?

There as a pastel art exhibit at the museum, so we brought along some watercolor supplies to do our own art at the park. Part of me must secretly wish to be able to paint. Can't, but it's still fun to dabble. Here are our masterpieces for the day.

See what I was going for...

On the way home we passed this HUGE hawk on the hay close to our house. Turned around so we could catch a picture of him. Not sure if that's a hawk or an eagle, but it was about 2 feet tall.


Mom said...

I'm glad you had such a fun day!

Elizabeth said...

What a fun time! I think your watercolor talents are about the same as mine! :)

Blackjack Games said...

Very useful question