Monday, April 19, 2010

Eleanor's Birthday

I'm not usually this behind, but I can't skip blogging about Eleanor's 7th birthday! After the 50th time she told me the day before that she was so excited for her birthday, she finally looked at me and said, "Do you get this excited for your birthday?" Um, no. Except this year, I said would be super fun because the dates line up really cool for my birthday. We figured out that the dates will line up almost like that for Eleanor's 39th birthday. So, now she can't wait for her 39th birthday. Never heard anyone say that before!

We had a small family celebration since the Grandparents got snowed out. :( She must be growing up, because she asked for Lettuce Wraps for dinner! And cheesecake for dessert.

She got some fun big chapter books - Tale of Desperaux and Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh.

We decided to take her to Mary Poppins for her birthday. It was a great Mommy Daughter date. The music and dancing were so fun. She really enjoyed seeing Mary Poppins come floating through the ceiling. We even took my antique opera glasses to get a better view from our nosebleed seats. I think she enjoyed her first broadway experience.

Happy 7 Eleanor! You're growing up so fast.


Jess n' Blake said...

Wow... Seven already. I'm trying to not think of how old that makes me feel! She's still just as seriously adorable as when she was a baby though!! (Pull out that bat, Gavin...) Looks like it was a fun birthday even though the grandparents missed out.

Unknown said...

We went and saw Mary Poppins too and it was Courtney's first broadway show too! And what a cool birthday you have Becky! Dillon will be 10 this year on 10-10-10. Are you going to be 25? :) Very cute pictures of Eleanor. She is a doll.