Friday, January 28, 2011

Only 10

Before January is over, I have to account for my other resolution from 2010, which was to buy only 10 items of clothing. I found this was quite a polarizing idea when talking with other people. Either you buy way more than that in a typical year or you haven't shopped for yourself since you had kids to drag into the dressing room with you!

Well, I find that I'm such a good bargain shopper - when it comes to clothes - that I aquire more than I need because it's a good deal. Some of these deals are not things I dearly love or wear often. So, to curb that habit (and because we watched Confessions of a Shopaholic, which scared me to pieces) I decided to try this and see if I could do it.

The cruise we took in June and family pictures took up several of my items - but it proves it can be done! Also, Gavin sweetly bought me a pair of pants for our anniversary, which I didn't have to count. Otherwise, honestly, this is all I bought for myself last year.

Red sweater for family pictures. I love it and wear it all the time.

Long wool sweater, love this for layering.

Something sparkly for the holidays.

Got to have a wide brown belt, right? I didn't count scarves or jewelry, but I did count shoes - which I did not buy all year.
Got sucked in when shopping in the fall. But, classic colors and 3/4 sleeves are good year round.
Love, love this dress. I had watched in online for awhile and then, just before my birthday the boutique was closing it's doors - so I snatched it on clearance! Lucky birthday present for me.

Nice button-up white shirt is a necessity - like the texture of this one.

Long black dress for the cruise. Actually super comfortable and still formal-looking.
Swimsuit top - for the cruise. I could be happy never buying (or wearing) a swimming suit.

Red jacket for the cruise. And my favorite color.
There it is. Not sure what goal to undertake in this area this year. I'm thinking of the 1 in- 1 out rule. Ideas?

1 comment:

Jess n' Blake said...

Way to go! :) I think if I had a goal of purchasing 10 things for myself (not Blake buying me something) Blake would love it. And not because I buy too much. :S No DI makes it hard to buy stuff. ;)