Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fun with Food

So, I decided to try this fun food idea my friend Maria gave me to make Jello oranges. I knew Eleanor would enjoy it, but I wasn't prepared for Gavin's reaction. After all, he doesn't really like jello - not having grown up with it as a fruit group like I did. However, he was fascinated by them, tried everything short of examining them with a magnifying glass, ate more than his fair share, and even asked me if we could make some for him to take to work to show his boss! :) So ladies, you know they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach... If you haven't tried Jello Oranges yet, now might be a good time.

Jello Oranges
1 box orange jello
2 large oranges
Cut oranges in half. Remove fruit (I used a melon baller).
Dissolve jello with 3/4 cup boiling water then add 3/4 cup cold water.
Put orange halves in muffin tin (to hold upright) and pour in jello.
Put in refrigerator until set. When set, cut into slices and enjoy!


Kerri said...


I am intrigued! When you slice it, at the end into wedges, doesn't the jello try to slide off the orange peel? We eat plain jello about once a week because it is such a dirt-cheap, easy dessert my children love, but this would spice things up!

By the way, I love your blog! I love being able to keep up with you and your great family. Your photography business seems to be coming along fantastically! We miss you guys and think of you often!

Carolyn Stevenson

Becky said...

Gavin discovered that it takes some serious shaking to get them off the orange peel - they stick really well.

Love your recipe blog Carolyn - I use a lot of your great recipes.

Kristin said...

What a clever idea! We'll have to try it out!

Ryan said...

Now if you could only come up with a way to put the 2 halves of the orange back together. That would sure screw with some people. I noticed on your blog that you wrote you were blessed to be a wife, mother, and friend. I was surprised that sister-in-law did not make that list. Anyways hope life is going great for you and the family in the great Rockies.


Brandie Lyon said...

How many orange slices do you put in each muffin tin slot?

Unknown said...

I am going to try this for FHE! Sounds neat! Thanks for the idea!

Kristin said...

We did these for Rachael's birthday party last week... they were a huge hit with parents and kids alike! Thanks so much for the great idea!

Kerri said...


May I steal you Jell-o oranges picture, please?

Becky said...

Sure, you can use the picture. It feels good to make the world a happier place, one orange picture at a time. :)

Kerri said...

Woohoo!! It is a happier world now!