Saturday, February 2, 2008

From Her Point of View

Today we listened to President Hinckley's funeral. The remembrances were very touching. It was amazing to hear that 1/3 of the members of the church were baptized while he was the prophet! I didn't think Eleanor was paying much attention, but she sat down and drew this sweet picture of President Hinckley. He's holding his scriptures. I love the big smile she gave him, so very appropriate for the positive, cheerful man he was. And tall of stature in so many ways.


Mom said...

That's a sweet picture! Let's all still work at following him... What a wonderful leader he has been.

Marie said...

I loved that we could participate in showing our respects even if we are far away. I always knew what a wonderful man he was, but having his life just bunched together and shown to me in an hour showed me what a wonder he was. Truly truly a great man. I love the picture, what a cutie she is!!!!