Monday, March 17, 2008

A Talent I Don't Have

Some of you know I have a very artistically talented brother. Thomas can draw amazingly well, which is a talent I do not have! I think I might even be tempted to pass off Eleanor's art as my own. Anyway, Thomas has drawn a beautiful portrait of President Monson. It will be available in Utah bookstores soon, if not already. I managed to get a few of each size by pulling some strings. :) If you're interested in buying any, just let me know. You can also order through his website:


Unknown said...

Wow! That is truly a blessing to be able to draw like that! It turned out beautiful.

Marie said...

I checked out his website!! HOLY COW! You guys just must be a super creative bunch!

Erica said...

You can't say that you don't have talent though!! Maybe drawing isn't yours, but girl you are an amazing person, with lots of other talents!!