Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Who Needs a Money Tree if I Could Grow Dimples!

I ran across these pictures today in my archives. What's the point of having more than 15,000 pictures if I don't ever look at them, right?!

If only we could plant this sapling in the yard to see if another smart, funny, and cute little girl would grow! Unfortunately, she wouldn't stay in the hole long enough to find out.

And this one just melts my heart. I'm thinking of another canvas to go along with the princess picture from a month ago. Can you tell I'm really needing, well, clement weather as Gavin calls it! Temple Square in June, ahh beautiful. I'm looking forward to being there for a wedding this year too! Thanks David for the occassion.


Nate and Hilary said...

Becky, I love looking at your blog. You probably had no idea that I even look, but I do. Your mom showed me. I love your posts! I too, can't wait for spring. Your little Ellenor is getting so big, and is still as cute as ever. You're such a great mommy.

Ashley said...

I love those pictures! What a cute little "plant" growing up!