Thursday, December 4, 2008

You Know it's a Small Town When...

I really do like living in a small town most of the time. I try not to make fun of it on most occassions. But, today we went to the Post Office (which is closed at lunch time) and there was a sign up on the door announcing that Marilyn somebody "Had Pasted Away." It was probably irreverent of me to bust up right there. So, I'm saving my snort out loud for my blog!


Jolayne said...

Well, if you're gonna go, pasting is probably the preferable way. LOL

Ashley said...

It must have been the same person from the Rec Center that is always using the wrong spelling or tense... :)

Mom said...

Reminds me of "Twilight." A few of those folks were quite "Pasted away...."