Friday, October 16, 2009

Darling 6... going on 17

We went out to take Eleanor's First Grade pictures yesterday. Decided it was silly to pay for the blue backdrop this year. These are much more "her." Although, this first one makes her look like six-TEEN, not six, don't you think?

Ah, this is better. A little silliness, missing tooth... there's my six-year-old.

Ok, nevermind... scary beautiful again.

I have to admit (as part of my penance!) that I was a little impatient with her while taking these pictures. I know... shocking! I can work around other kids' fake smiles, but she was driving me crazy.
At least this keeps me in touch with what my clients feel like when I'm doing their portraits. I know it's frustrating, you want to force perfection out of your children. Believe me, the most beautiful images come from relaxed kids being themselves!


slingwall said...

Those are so beautiful but that is not hard when the subject looks like that. Watch out Gavin may have to buy a gun. Miss you guys.

Elizabeth said...

Love the silliness and missing tooth! She is out!

Unknown said...

Those are some great shots! She is a beauty just like her mommy!

Corinne said...

Growing up! She and your baby are so darling. We miss you guys!