Thursday, October 1, 2009

Looth Tooth

Ellie's been waiting about a year to get her first loose tooth. When one started wiggling, ever so slightly, this summer she was so excited! Finally, last week she came home from school with it seriously flopping about.

Dad had been teasing her about using the pliers to pull it - which terrified her. However, after a couple failed attempts to bite her dinner, she asked him to pull it out on one condition. He had to wash his pliers first! Ha! Hilarious that she thought of that. Now she has that adorable semi-toothless grin.

The Tooth Fairy made her first visit to our house. To make it easier I told Eleanor I'd leave her door open just a tad. She said, "No Mom, cause the Tooth Fairy can just squeeze under the door." Of course, why didn't I think of that?


Jess n' Blake said...

That is hilarious! I never let Dad near me with his pliers.... I bet the tooth fairy loved squeezing under that door too!

Krystal said...

Yay Ellie! She is hilarious! That is awesome that she would have braved the pliers! We love and miss you all!

Marie said...

I can't believe how grown up she looks with a missing tooth! They grow too fast!

Jen said...

She does look grown up with that gap.