Monday, January 25, 2010

Beef Bourguignon

We had some time at home Saturday, so it was the perfect opportunity for Gavin to try Beef Bourguignon. He's been wanting to try it after seeing Julie and Julia. Who am I to stop him?

He's a firm believer in proper mis en place.

You know you're a teetotaling family when... you can't find a corkscrew anywhere. :) We've found alcohol-free wines at the grocery store that add, as far as we can tell, the right flavor without worrying about cooking out all the alcohol, feeding it to the kids, etc.

And, whalah, just a short 5 hours later we're enjoying Julia's Beef Bourguignon. It was so delicious. However, with 3 hours of active cooking time and two more in the oven, I doubt we'll be having this often.

Katie was loving it! I would have a picture of Eleanor enjoying it, but she didn't.

After we put the kids to bed, we dipped tuxedo strawberries for our date. So, the day was basically all about food. Next weekend we'll have to go snowshoeing or something.


Ashley said...

A day all about food sounds GREAT to me- i'd just like it to be someone other than ME making the food. The dinner looked divine and strawberries even better- fun, fun!

JenD said...

Awesome! What a great meal and the strawberries were adorable.

Marie said...

I just LOVE that you make these super special meals with just your family! Sometimes I save my "special" meals for when company is coming over. I need to do it more often for my own family-- after all I love them best right??? You guys are great! It looked delish!

Kristin said...

That all looks delicious!

And I love Gavin's solution to the corkscrew problem. :)