Thursday, January 21, 2010

One of Ten

2010 is going to be a year of 10's for us. Our tenth anniversary is coming up. We'll have lived in Colorado for ten years. My birthday this year will be 10/10/10 - how cool is that?!

So, to go along with our year of 10's we've made several resolutions. First, we'd like to visit 10 states this year. Not new ones, necessarily. We've got 3 down already. The rest will be a little more out of our norm.

One of my resolutions for this year is to try 10 refashioning projects. I dabbled a little bit with it last year and found it really fun, rewarding, and cheap! This will also help me in my resolution to buy only 10 items of clothing for myself this year. Whew, now I've said it... you'll have to hold me to it.

So, here is my first refashioning project for the year. It was easy-peasy. I've been sitting on the supplies for a year and when I finally sat down to it, it took all of 3 minutes. Sorry no before picture, but I started with a fun pair of knee high women's socks. Cut them off right above the ankle. Cut the rectangle section between the heel and toes. Fold it over and serge or zig-zag it to make the band at the bottom of the "sleeve."

Now we have these fun arm warmers that extend the summer wardrobe into the winter. This is the same method to make Baby Legs which are all the rage. How often can you sew something your baby and six year old can both wear? Now that's efficient.

I'll definitely be making more of these in the future. Fun and quick. Go ahead and try it!


KrisJ said...

Weve done that with Maddie SO FUN!!! Only 10 items for yourself.. my husband would love that so dont tell him!

Marie said...

Maybe with a tutorial I would be willing to give them a shot ;)! Really really cute!

Jen said...

I love your theme of 10. It's going to be a great year. I love the idea of refashioning.