Friday, October 26, 2007

Tis the Season

for Family Pictures that is... with 8 sessions scheduled for this month and next, I am getting lots of practice! I've discovered a few things so far...

1. my #1 rule is "Parents, please no telling the kids to smile." Nothing sends the natural smiles scooting faster.
2. I love shots where families are naturally interacting, not posing for the camera
3. What did I do before my beautiful, white, telephoto lense?
4. Shade and sunset are my friends.
5. Love my noisemaker - thank you Gavin.
6. Take as many shots as possible as quickly as possible (Ex. 250 in 1 hr last session).
7. What did photographers do before Photoshop? - don't take it personally if I switch your head!

Anyway... here is one of my favorites from my last session with the Allreds.


Anonymous said...

I so need to schedule a session with you!! Also, you can get Galaxy bars online.

Ashley said...

I love them on the tire swing. You are soooo talented!

Carli said...

Amazing! We are so excited for our photo shoot with you on Thursday!